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About Us
About Us
PACURH, or the Pacific Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls, is one of the eight regions of NACURH, Inc., the largest student run non-profit corporation in the world. We strive to bring student leaders from across the Pacific region together with the aim to create the best possible experience for students living on college and university campuses. The region is led by an elected Regional Board of Directors, who work to bring resources and opportunities to the members of the region through conferences, webinars, and philanthropy. Through the collaboration of student leaders, PACURH encourages diversity, understanding, and progress on all campuses that we represent.
Alaska - British Columbia - California - Hawaii - Oregon - Washington
NACURH, the National Affiliate for College and University Residence Halls, is a dynamic, student-run corporation that supports the on-campus living experience and works to empower, motivate, and equip residence hall leaders with the skills, resources, and experiences needed to positively impact their campus communities. The NACURH organization is the largest student run, non-profit organization in the world!
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